Friday 20 April 2012

Amelie's Perpetual Diet

So it's pretty bad when your clinic cat, the supposed  mascot for animal well being is a bit on the pudgy side. Now to me (I know this sounds like an excuse), I think it's just excessive skin paunch. You know like on the Biggest Loser when they lose weight too quickly and get that flabby stretch of skin.

My reasons are:
a) It's not solid tissue and fat, when you grab it (which I am often compelled to do just for fun) it's very stretchy and soft.
b) She is on a constant diet of Hills R/D (prescription weight loss diet) and only gets fed twice a day.
c) She does have a disproportionately small head compared to her body. 

BUT (and there is a big but) she must be part vulture because she is such a scavenger. If there is even a speck of food hidden under a cupboard or someone may have left the liver treat jar open, Amelie WILL be there. She even has the audacity to use her paw to reach in and scoop biscuits out of a food bowl in a hospital cage whilst the poor sick animal watches on helplessly.

Her day is broken up into morning meal time and evening meal time. I think she may be able to tell the time because at 5pm on the dot she will wake from her afternoon nap and start hassling everyone in sight for food. You walk into the room 'MEOW!'  is what you'll be greeted with. And if she thinks you're going anywhere near her cage (where her food is placed at night) she will come running towards her cage just so you get the point.

We've currently got her down to 4.8kg, which to me is average for a cat. You be the judge. But don't judge too harshly, she has feelings too.

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