Friday 3 August 2012

Going to the markets

My friend Nancy and I are going to start a market stall. It all came about over brunch the other week at Three Blue Ducks in Bronte. I had the fish, it was delicious. All this yummy energy put our creative brains into over drive and we thought - hey - we have something to offer the world. We can create goods that people may exchange some money for. Let's do it!

That night I was so excited about it I couldn't sleep til 2am, ideas zinging through my head like a neutron in those neutron accelerating machines - just gaining speeding and momentum. Well first I needed to do some research, what things could I sew that people will want to buy, with a personal touch of course. From hours of research on  the net, looking around what's in shops and browsing on the net I've decided I'm going to make a series of Spring collared blouses, peplum tops, pleated skirts and some bow dresses.

Coincidentally, I've recently discovered my mum can knit and crochet. Really well. One compliment one of her crocheted beanies and the following week she's made me three beanies a scarf when I really just wanted one. That's just how mums are - overflowing with love. So I put two and two together and asked her to maybe make a range of something I've always loved - wool cactus. The juxtaposition of something that's supposed to be prickly to something that's so soft to touch is awesome. Here's the first one, you've gotta admit - it's 100% awesomeness.

I've also started the first of my peplum tops. This is just a prototype with some spare material I had around. Hopefully I'll be able to perfect it on the next go. I made the pattern out of spare surgical drape material we couldn't use from the clinic. The plan is to get a market stall sometime in October. 

And lastly I'm re-doing some of my terrariums with some new moss and plants and I'm making some stonehenge figures for it too from polymer clay. Busy busy busy.I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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