Friday 29 June 2012

Dealing with the Winter Blues

Apologies for the delay between posts this June folks. I know you've been eagerly waiting but in all honesty I just wasn't doing anything all that inspirational. I've been recently wondering why I've been so lazy this month.

The weather was getting more miserable with the start of Winter. I was more inclined to roll about in bed til 10.30am on my days off. And even when I did manage to join the living, I wasn't really doing anything. I lacked motivation, inspiration and enthusasiasm. After a bit of research (google search: why do I have no motivation?), I reckon that poor effort on my behalf may not be *completely* my fault after all (that would be convenient wouldn't it?).

Well indeed I might have a case of S.A.D. or seasonal affective disorder. According to wikipaedia, symptoms of SAD may consist of difficulty waking up in the morning, tendency to oversleep and over eat, especially a craving for carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain. Other symptoms include a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities.

Let's bring in exhibit A:

I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!

I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!

I have been going dessert crazy and have made (in sequential order) a banana and passionfruit pavlova, green tea cupcakes, blueberry and lime panacotta, strawberry and blueberry Eaton mess and just this morning - caramelised apple crepes with whipped cream.

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!


It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!

It's a travesty. I've really got to find some way to get my spirits up again and not rely so much much on delicious desserts. I'm also going to try to get some more Vitamin D, sit out in the sun for a bit. Ride my bike somewhere. Go for a jog. OK, I'm off. Wish me luck!






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