Saturday 12 May 2012

Amelie! You've Got Something On Your Head...

Cats are such regal and dignified creatures. They demand things and generally they get it. Food, snuggles and the best spot in the bed. Unlike dogs, their love is not unconditional. There are conditions. Lots of them. Yet at the same time they give so much as well. 

On a normal day, Amelie will eat, sleep, eat some more, move around to find a better sleeping spot, punch a kitten in the head, then eat some more. But in her hectic schedule, I'm able to squeeze in some 'Toni Fun Time' or TFT.

It pretty much involves placing things on Amelie's head and laughing hysterically for a good minute or so. She normally looks super unimpressed but that actually adds to the enjoyment I get from it. A bit sadistic isn't it? I know secretly she loves all the attention I lavish upon her. Here are some prime examples:

Afghan Amelie.

Festive Amelie.

Party Amelie.
Dr Amelie (to you).

Sea Lion Amelie.
Hobo Amelie.

Asian Amelie.
The Village People Amelie.
Lady Gaga Amelie.
Inception Amelie.

Plotting Amelie.

1 comment:

  1. "Punch a kitten in the head" - you're hysterical Toni! I'm killing myself laughing at that one! - Jill xxx
