Saturday 11 February 2012

Amelie came, she saw, she conquered.

So Amelie is a clinic cat which means she is legally owned by the clinic. She spends her days having free range of the clinic, walking up to hospital dogs and cats and saying hello, finding the softest spot in the clinic to rest her head and ferreting food from where ever she could.

Over the recent Christmas holidays I felt bad that Amelie would spend it by herself alone in her cage so I decided to take her home to my apartment. Most cats don't adjust well to big changes and if taken to a new environment will probably hide for 2 to 3 days under the couch or bed until they feel safe enough to come out and explore.

However, Amelie is a very confident cat and in fact became super affectionate towards anyone who came near in our place. She does have a crazy loud meow which she only reserves when she's hungry so I was sure to keep her well fed so my neighbours wouldn't catch onto our feline house guest. She was a duck to water and seemed to enjoy the change in scenery. Here are a couple of things she got up to.

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